Medieval History Curriculum
Late Elementary and Middle School

This is a beautiful, and engaging, book. I appreciate the short, restful, length of each chapter. The colored pictures, and maps are so helpful, and fun. Most of the lessons take place within Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia (where so much was happening); but this is an international text, that also has chapters on Africa, and the Americas.
I also appreciate the author’s honesty and humility regarding the mistakes of the church (forced conversions, violence, etc.) during this era. These darker topics are covered gently, briefly, and are prefaced with a loving spirit—so important for the younger ages (late elementary to middle school). It is similarly written from a Christian perspective—highlighting that the gods of certain cultures are false, and continuously drawing the line of truth within the text. Some of the devotional thoughts that come out amidst the stories are especially precious. For instance, there is wisdom about not camouflaging our faith, even in the face of persecution, as with the Kakure Kirishitan in Japan, who ended up with a Buddhist and Shintoist practices mixed permanently into their Christianity.
The storytelling style of writing makes this curriculum enthralling and relevant. It could easily become a high school curriculum with additional reading and writing supplemented to each lesson.
If you are looking for a light narration of history from a Christian perspective, this is an excellent series (we’ve also enjoyed World’s Story 1: the Ancients). It could be used either with or without the Teacher’s Guide, but is a complete course with both books.
Explore Master Books’ website here.
I received a complimentary copy of this curriculum from Master Books.