Recommended: A call to reinstate the biblical structure by putting Jesus as the head of His church.
Corinthian Elders focuses on the role of elders in the church, especially in the context of Paul’s letters to the Corinthians. There’s a lot in this book because as we talk about changing the church structurally, many more issues arise, including the topics of money, leadership and authority, and accountability. Fortenberry does not neglect to mention these important questions, all the while calling the body of Christ to focus on the larger picture: focusing less on individual leaders and instead being taught by the Lord Himself that we may experience a more dynamic church as each member of the body becomes active.
It’s is a short book, but not one to read quickly. I took my time with it so that I could place each scripture reference in context of entire books. And though I didn’t agree with every detail and found some arguments weak, I gained a lot from this book. I was also pleased that some of what the Holy Spirit has revealed to my husband and I personally, was also revealed and expressed by the author. It is challenging, thought-provoking, and most importantly, stirred in me a hunger to read my Bible and seek out wisdom–any book that can do that is worth the read!
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author, Jack Fortenberry.