Genre: Women/Marriage/Christian Life
Jennifer Smith is courageously vulnerable in sharing the challenges she and her husband faced through the first four years of their marriage, especially with sexual intimacy. They were delayed by years from technically consummating their marriage because of the physical pain she experienced during (attempted) intercourse. The emotional side effects of their situation were just as devastating for them. And she shares the mistakes they each made before eventually coming to a healthy spiritual, emotional, and physical place before God and each other.
As Smith unveils her very personal journey from challenges to triumphs chapter to chapter. She also shares devotional insights for those with similar marital hardships. The devotional questions after each chapter varied in helpfulness: some awesomely point readers to recognize the truth of what they believe versus what God is doing within their circumstances, but others focus on reflecting on the painful moments of the readers’ past. A couple of the questions nearly tricked me into thinking I had problems I don’t have (and we all have enough to work through without digging up extra dirt!); so I have to say I did not love the devotional section as much as the testimony itself, despite most of the questions being excellent and well thought.
Overall, this book (and Smith’s blog of the same name) is a helpful resource on a subject often avoided in Christian circles. Furthermore, it is not just for woman dealing with chronic pain or other sexual hindrances. Smith’s message of learning to trust God entirely, and to lean on Him rather than expecting her husband to fill her voids, is one every wife could benefit from; and I enjoyed the reminder.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Tyndale House Publishers.