Review of A Worthy Heart by Susan Anne Mason


Genre: Historical Romance

Series: Courage to Dream, Book 2


25822027This is a double love-story set in New York City in the early 1900s. Maggie Montgomery and her fire-fighter brother Gabe sail from Ireland to America to visit their married brother and his family.

Convict, Adam O’Leary, is freshly out of prison, when he finds himself falling for Maggie–a match that is dissuaded by both families, especially since Maggie has just escaped a bad courtship in Ireland. The woman Gabe has eyes for is a likewise implausible match as she is above his station.

This charming story is a quick read that held my attention all the way through. While the romance is intentionally predictable, there were several surprising twists in the end that made the story more exciting.

Adam’s character was the most developed, and I enjoyed the development of his Christian faith, his struggle to find his place within his family, and his process of embracing forgiveness and new opportunities.

I would not say this is a “deep” story; but it is fun to read, lighthearted, and would go well with a bubblebath.

I did not read the first book in the series [Irish Meadows], and did not feel that I missed anything necessary to enjoying this story.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House.


Review of A Thousand Shall Fall: A Civil War Novel by Andrea Boeshaar


Genre: Historical Romance

Series: Shenandoah Valley Saga


unnamed(3) Set in 1864, a few years into the Civil War, the quick-witted and day-dreamy, Carrie Ann Bell, feels responsible for her family as she carries forth her missing father’s newspaper, and labors at the Wayfarer’s Inn to care for her ill mother and sisters after a fire destroyed their home. So when her younger sister runs away with a peddler, she protectively runs out to find her, disguising herself as a Yankee soldier to look for her in the northern Yankee territory. Unfortunately, she is caught before completing her mission, but sparks fly between her and the Yankee Colonel.

I enjoyed this story, especially for the historical element. I have read very little of the Civil War era, and was able to get a better grasp of who the major militarily and political leaders were on both sides of the war. I also appreciated Boeshaar’s use of authentic historical clippings interspersed throughout the narrative.

The romance was light, fun, and predictable, which is what I expected from this genre. The war aspect (violence, brutality) was also very light and easy to read, despite the many references to horrific events. I am generally drawn toward darker war history, as it seems more authentic in that style. But the historical descriptions, people, and locations, are strong and well researched.

The tone and “appropriateness” of the story make it ideal for teen readers, who would enjoy the story while also learning a bit of relevant history.

Carrie Ann is a charming character, especially for her open-minded intellectual approach to the war, and willingness to consider both sides of the conflict, including the questions of faith and humanity.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Kregel Publications.


Review of the Lion Comic Book Hero Bible by Siku, Richard Thomas & Jeff Anderson


Genre: Bible/Graphic Novel/Children/Teens

Highly Recommended!

unnamed(2)This storybook Bible is written as a graphic novel, which is so appropriate for the younger generation (including many Millennial adults)! The stylistic illustrations are set with succinct captions, allowing the Bible to cover large spans (even whole books of the Bible) in few pages.

I was especially impressed with how this Bible captures the overall history of the Bible so thoroughly. There are many stories and details that are missing (as one would expect with a children’s Bible), but the historical outline is comprehensively presented in a linear format. This may be the best “big picture” storybook Bible I have encountered.

The transition between the Old and New Testaments is particularly well explained, and the 400 years of silence has its own full page. There is also a difference in the OT and NT illustrations (from dark and sketchy, to brighter and more defined), which presents a nice metaphor on the changing spiritual atmosphere with the incarnation of Jesus. The Bible even ends with (a heavily abridged version of) Revelation, which surprised me; but it is done quite well considering the difficulty of capturing such a complex vision. I would have liked a picture of the throne room and/or a more vibrant New Jerusalem (there is a small one)–but even so, I am impressed with how much is illustrated!

It is also fun that each of the character’s is given a “superhero” name (e.g. Adam is Earthman; Deborah is The Iron Maiden; Elijah is Rainmaker; Nehemiah is The Governor; John the Baptist is The Voice; some of the major characters receive more than one name). But as creative as the superhero names were, it might be less confusing to stick with the real ones, at least for practical purposes.

After reading the entire Hero Bible alone, I have now been reading it with my almost-six year old, and he is glued to the stories. We collect Bible storybooks and rotate through them, and this is one of his favorites right now. It is a bit dark–but then so is much of the biblical content!! Some of the stories (especially in the OT) have pretty graphic “bad guys”, war scenes, and violence. I like that the narrative does not glaze over the difficult parts of biblical history, and it makes for good discussion. But, this really is aimed more for teens than younger kids, and some parents/teachers may still be uncomfortable with parts of it.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Kregel Publications.



Review of Angels: A 90-Day Devotional about God’s Messengers by Christa Kinde


Genre: Devotional/Juvenile Nonfiction


_225_350_Book.1734.coverThis is an excellent devotional. Each of the 90 devotions are approximately two pages, starting with a Bible reference about angels, then an applicable Bible story, commentary on Scripture, or Q and A, and ending with questions leading the reader to consider Scripture, cultural relevance of the subject, or personal introspection.

Aimed at ages nine and up, I am impressed by the depth and scholarship of each devotion. A pre-teen would be engaged by this, as would an adult. Kinde brings out over one hundred verses about angels, and addresses common myths compared to what the Bible reveals, as well as detailing accounts of how biblical characters responded to meeting angels, and even going beyond angels to draw attention to larger spiritual truths (e.g. how angels demonstrate pure worship for us to model, or in understanding the work of the enemy through fallen angels/demons).

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Zonderkidz.


Review of The Aleppo Code by Terry Brennan


Genre: Christian Suspense

Series: Jerusalem Prophecies, Book 3


9780825443893In the first book, The Sacred Cipher, a team of amateur’s uncover the mystery of a scroll hidden within an ancient mezuzah, and in searching out the truth of the message in archaeological tunnels under the Temple Mount, come across a phenomenal discovery!

Then in book two, The Brotherhood Conspiracy, the team recognizes a new coded message on the mezuzah, which takes them on another unbelievable high-risk adventure.

This third book of the trilogy leaves off immediately after the second book finishes, and so the stories should not be read separately! This time the team uses clues from the Aleppo Codex to search for the most powerful weapon in history: Aaron’s staff. But they are not the only ones looking for the staff: a league of evil men have been on the hunt for this power for generations, and will do anything to steal the power of God.

This is a fun series rich with actual historical and archaeological details amid the fictitious mystery, lots of high-paced action and suspense, and a deep and genuine glimpse into the Christian faith (and its struggles) in action. Some of the plot points seemed a bit far fetched, and yet the way the characters were written, the narrative quickly felt almost plausible. There is also a relevant underlying theme of how God works things out for His purposes. I felt like each book of the trilogy was stronger than the one before, and look forward to reading what Terry Brennan comes up with next!

I received a complimentary copy of this book (as well as the first two books in the series) from Kregel Publications.


Review of The Power that Changes the World: Creating Eternal Impact in the Here and Now by Bill Johnson


Genre: Christian Living/Charismatic Interest


9780800796860I have read and enjoyed several of Bill Johnson’s books, but this may be one of my new favorites.

Inspired by the story of Solomon, Bill teaches how godly wisdom can change the atmosphere. His encouragement that the church bring heaven to earth to influence the world is similar to his other teachings; but many of his insights regarding the nature and manifestation of wisdom in our lives are fresh and revolutionary.

I particularly loved how Bill connects wisdom to beauty, excellence, and integrity. He mentions, for instance, that when Queen Sheba visited King Solomon she proclaimed how she saw God through the seemingly mundane aspects of Solomon’s household like the attire and service of his servants, the food on his table, and the appearance of his entryway. (1 Kings 10:3-9). How interesting that she would have specifically mentioned recognizing God through these things, while also having sat at the king’s feet to receive wisdom and understanding!

I similarly enjoyed Bill’s interpretation of the passages that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. He explains that salts primary purpose is not to preserve but to bring flavor; thus Christians should bring flavor to the world by exuding the Lord’s wisdom and character from within. Being the light of a city of refuge within the world is likewise essential.

This book gave me a new understanding of what wisdom looks like, and the power it has to bring influence when it is properly employed. It is a relevant and life-giving encouragement to activate the wisdom of God to “minister” through action in whatever sphere or profession that God has called us.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Chosen Books.





Review of A.D. The Bible Continues: The Revolution that Changed the World by Dr. David Jeremiah


Genre: General Christian/Biblical History


revolutionthatchangedtheworld This is an interesting book in that it is based on the NBC show A.D. The Bible Continues (which I have not seen). It reads like a devotional commentary on the book of Acts (prefaced by a quick introduction of the Old Testament, and two chapters on the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus to set the scene). Each chapter highlights stories that capture the human element of the Christian revolution along with commentary that connects to the contemporary audience.

I think this could be a helpful and interesting source for new/young believers to visualize the historical context of scripture (or anyone who is unfamiliar). There is basic theology included here and there, which I felt was well balanced for a multi-denominational Protestant audience. And the devotional feel and personal insight into the disciples’ stories presents a very relatable and readable perspective. I also like the scattering of side-notes, which address interesting topics.

Overall, this is a pretty good overview of select moments from Acts, and I recommend it to those new to biblical history–especially teenage believers.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Tyndale House Publishers.



Review of The Choosing by Rachelle Dekker


Genre: Futuristic/Dystopian

Series: A Seer Novel, Book 1


The Choosing is set in a futuristic, dystopian society where a perverse version of legalistic “Christianity” dictates the land, and each member has a life-long role and function in the community. For young women, like heroine Carrington Hale, the highest goal is to be “Chosen” in marriage; and to fail to catch the attention and be chosen by a mate points to the utmost personal failure and a lifetime serving as a “Lint” (social outcast and blue collar laborer). Carrington’s failure is especially surprising, and leads her into a journey of personal discovery as she encounters rebels to the state faith, then finds herself in one unexpected position after another.

I love this genre, and the faith and identity issues that the characters and narrative address. The theme of finding God’s love is at the heart of the story, and I cannot think of any subject more important or more difficult to express.

Considering that this is Rachelle Dekker’s debut novel, I think it came together very well. I did find the plot a bit predictable, and would have liked more development of the characters. The “seer” aspect of the book was also very subtly introduced, but intrigues me. Since this is the name of series, I look forward to seeing how that unfolds in the coming novel(s).

My final criticism is that the alternative “rebellious” spiritual movement seems a little “New Agey” to me–riding the line between truth and the possibility of being misinterpreted as the characters emphasized the truth within themselves without a strong focus on God’s part in the redemptive process. Nevertheless I was caught up in the writing, and enjoyed the unfolding of Carrington’s self-reflection in recognizing who she is, and that her identity is not tied to what she does, rather who she is according to her Father God. This is a message we all need; and, I think, would be especially powerful for teens.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Tyndale House Publishers.


Review of Finding Me by Kathryn Cushman


Genre: Contemporary Fiction


22504485When Kelli Huddleston’s father and step mother are killed in a car accident, she discovers amongst her father’s things that nothing is as she thought. He had been hiding newspaper clippings and other evidence of a man and his one year old daughter who had been missing after a boating accident and declared dead, and she realizes he had faked their deaths, and that–contrary to the story he had told her of her past–her mother and siblings may still be alive. Set on finding the truth about who she is, Kelli travels from her California home to the South to unobtrusively check out her family as a stranger, and to discover herself all over again.

This is an introspective novel, with a captivating storyline and characters. The suspense is in watching the known elements of the narrative unfold, while reflecting on issues of identity, life, and how to respond appropriately within interesting circumstances. I appreciated the emotional depth of the writing, and found myself learning more about myself through the reading experience.

I also thought the spiritual aspects of the story were particularly strong–touching but not overdone. There is also a bit of light romance, although this was not a major theme.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House.



Review of The First Principle by Marissa Shrock


Genre: YA Fiction/Futuristic


FirstPrinciple-258x400Vivica Wilkins is the sixteen-year-old daughter of a prominent governor, and presidential candidate, in the futuristic “United Regions of North America” where government control is out of hand (but not unrealistic). The population is controlled through pregnancy-preventing vaccinations, so that only women within a particular age range are propagating, with a high tax on families with more than two children.

Vivica is a hacker (mostly using her skills to change the grades of other students), but she otherwise is okay with the “system”–that is, until she discovers she is illegally pregnant, and is no longer sure she is comfortable with the mandatory abortion. The baby’s father is a repentant Christian, working with an underground group of “Emancipation Warriors”.

I love how this book deals directly with Christian issues and political scenarios within the futuristic, government controlled setting that is so popular amongst teen literature. The faith element is not subtle. The characters talk and question God and faith in a way that is great for young readers. And despite dealing with the difficult topics of abortion and teen sex, there is not a sexual or even emotionally-romantic vibe to the story, which I really appreciated as it kept the emphasis on the more important issues of politics and faith. There is a little bit of purposefully placed violence as the story moves rapidly in an exciting action-oriented mystery and chase.

This would be enjoyable for teens or adults because of the thought-provoking themes and action packed plot. Adult readers could finish this in a day or two. I also think it could be a great resource for parents and teens to discuss some of these issues together.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Kregel Publications.
